World Championship Eternity - 2024
Mindbug tournament
How to register?
You have to be qualified through any tournament qualifiers that took place during Season 3 (online or offline). If that's the case, you should be able to confirm your participation by clicking on the confirm button. If you are not able to do so, please contact BatTotoro on Discord.
All the event will be managed on our official Discord, so please join it before the start of the event, that will be your way to reach out to the referees and for more information about this event =>
When and how long?
The World Championship take place over 2 days, February 15th 2024 at 1PM UTC and second day 1 week later, on February 22nd 2024 at 1PM UTC. Day 2 will be acccessible if you make it to top 16 on day 1. Tournament will last from 6 to 8 hours on each day.
Day 1: Swiss round system (5 to 7 rounds, depending on number of players), Best-of-2 matches, Beyond Eternity set with only one copy of Squirtoise Scout and Koibra.
Day 2: Top16 players of day 1 will be paired in a direct elimination bracket, Best-of-5 matches, Beyond Eternity set with only one copy of Squirtoise Scout and Koibra.
To be announced soon.